Advisory Services


Are you connected to the pulse of new technologies?

Rahaf provides custom-tailored briefings on a monthly or quarterly basis to assist leaders in developing a holistic perspective about technology strategy the enable them to make the best-informed decisions for their business.

Leaders today need an evolving perspective that combines macro-trends, digital culture, emerging technologies, new market opportunities, and a human-centric understanding how how these new tools are shaping our lives.

Are you a holistic leader?

It’s become impossible to discuss climate change, global economic stability, creating inclusive societies, generating sustainable capitalism, managing geopolitical agendas, and resolving conflicts around the world without mentioning the growing role of new technologies and their impact on societies.

Rahaf help clients keep track of the big picture, so they can focus on what matters most.


How can Rahaf help?

Every advisory client has different needs.

Whether you’re looking for someone to bounce ideas with, specific feedback on strategic initiatives, input on team meetings, briefings to keep track of emerging opportunities, a synthesis of ethical data practices, a review of the latest national AI strategies, or something else — Rahaf can help.

An outside perspective with uncensored feedback.

The best ideas come from unexpected intersections

Advisory clients benefit from the broad research and insights gained from. other Red Thread projects. Whether it’s analyzing the virtual economy, or deconstructing fandom behaviors for the entertainment industry you’ll never know where you’ll find inspiration for your next great idea.

Consider me your “Digital Anthropologist in Residence.”

Culture and technology to inspire innovation.

Are you ready to lead in times of disruptive change?

It’s no longer enough to stay updated on the latest developments or applications of innovative technologies, leaders must also understand the broader strategic implications including developing frameworks for ethical data practices, spotting algorithmic bias, and protecting consumer privacy.

To make matters more complicated, these evolving issues are taking place within a global context where cybersecurity risks are increasing, new regulations and national strategies are being released, and governments are negotiating digital trade treaties and digital tax agreements that will impact a business’ bottom line.

Leading an organization today is more complicated than ever before, and executives have to consider the impact of their technology not only on their consumers, but on their employees and on societies as a whole.

Counterintuitively, the more information we have available, the more important it will be for executives to slow down and think about the implications of our intensely connected world.

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